We get it. Nobody wants to purchase a lifetime deal for a software tool, and then see that company go out of business a few months or years later.

We want to assure you that Youform is here to stay.

We are certain that Youform will be around for years and years to come because Youform is 100% bootstrapped and PROFITABLE, with many paying customers that easily cover our expenses. 

We also have nearly infinite runway from the success of our past software companies that we've grown to millions in revenue.

We don't say this to brag, but rather to give you the confidence that Youform WILL be around for years and years to come.

If I purchase the lifetime deal, will I get access to all new features in the future?

Yes, you will get access to all Pro features in the future.

Will the lifetime deal be around forever?

Probably not. We will most likely remove the lifetime deal at some point. But anyone who has already paid will keep their lifetime access.

Are new features being added to Youform?

Yes, we are constantly adding new features. You can see what's new and what is coming soon on our Changelog and Roadmap.

If you have any other questions about Youform's lifetime deal, you can email me directly at davis@youform.io

-Davis, co-founder of Youform